The myth of getting food parties from seniors in Indian Colleges
To give you some context, I discuss the myth which does rounds within the circles of any freshman (First Year) in any undergraduate college in India.
The myth is that, “If you can know some particular details about a particular senior or a group (if you are that vella), so you could approach them and ask for a party.” Party here implicitly implies ‘a treat’ eg. A sandwich, a samosa or two (depends on how much oil you’d like in your stomach), or a plain cold-drink. It could be heavy too, eg. eating pizza or burgers, but most of the guys are broke, so this is a rare occurence.
So, is the myth real ? Well, YES and NO.
YES that yes, you maybe able to fetch a treat from a senior or two.
BUT NO, that most of the time, either you’d be declined with some stupid reason, or even better, you’d be shy enough to ask for a treat yourself.
I shall explain my perspective on this system, since I just completed my sophomore year, so I feel I am well equipped to write this (atleast, thats what I think)
I think that its just a ploy to get a freshman’s attention. Everyone likes a bit of attention, dont they ? When freshmans are new, they have a lot of expectations from the college, the kind of batchmates they would get, the environment, the culture and also the seniors. They are a bit open-minded to everything. (I was ;p)
So they inherently think that the best way to make friends with seniors is that you follow the system outlaid above. Turns out. Its not. Because get this, ‘They (seniors) want to meet you, get to know you or interact, as much as you want’. What this essentially means, is that although its a good way to ‘ask for treats’ to get to know seniors, IT IS NOT NECCESSARRY. There are various better methods to do that. It could be approaching a seniors for advice on academics, it could be asking them to collaborate with some project, It could be getting involved in some event as a volunteer etc. etc. etc.
You dont need to go to each and every senior out there with an olive branch. Just do a basic calculation, and find the ones who actually ‘fit’ your regime or are comfortable with you and vice-versa.
Dont fall in the trap. Its a big world. Its your life, Make it Large :D